The Orthodox Church was establish over 2000 years ago, but our Church here in Chisholm MN, was established in 1910; serving the needs of the faithful on the Iron Range for over 100 years. We are under the jurisdiction of the Serbian Orthodox Dioceses of America, in the New Gracanica-Midwestern Diocese. We are blessed to have His Holiness Patriarch Porfirije and His Grace Bishop Longin, as the Hierarchical leadership of our parish. The church was started by Serbian immigrants and we do carry on the custom and traditions passed down to us unique to our Serbian heritage. However, we are a pan-orthodox community, and have people of various ethnicity and background. This includes, Greek, Russian, etc. and those who have converted to the Orthodox Church.
Our services are done in English, with some hymns done in Serbian in remembrance of the founders of our parish. But we invite all those who may be traveling through the area or who are just interested in Orthodoxy and in seeing the worship and Traditions passed down to us from the Apostles of Christ. If you have never been in an Orthodox Church you will witness the rich, beautiful and mystical side of Christianity that has not changed since the time of the Apostles as we continue to "worship in Spirit and Truth".